The AceFEM environment comes with a small build-in library
including standard solid, structural, thermal and contact elements. Additional
elements are accessed and automatically downloadable through the AceShare
system. The AceShare system is a file sharing system built in AceFEM that makes
AceGen symbolic descriptions and generated finite element user subroutines
available for other users to download over the Internet. The AceShere system
enables: browsing the on-line FEM libraries; downloading the finite elements
from the on-line libraries; formation of the user defined library that can be
posted on the internet to be used by other users of the AceFEM system. The
AceShare system offers for each finite element included in the on-line library:
the element home page with basic descriptions, links, authors data, etc.. , the AceGen template (Mathematica input) for the
symbolic description of the element, the element source codes for all supported
finite element environments (FEAP,
AceFEM-MDriver, Abaqus, ...), the element Dynamic Link File (dll) used by AceFEM, an additional documentation and
benchmark tests. The files are stored on and served by personal computers of
the users.
already available AceShare on-line libraries include AceGen templates for the
symbolic description of direct and sensitivity analysis of the most finite
element formulations that appear in the description of problems by finite
element method (steady state, transient, coupled and coupled transient
problems). This large collection of prepared Mathematica inputs for a broad
range of finite elements can be easily adjusted for users
specific problem. The user can use the Mathematica input file as a template for
the introduction of
modifications to the available formulation (e.g. modified
material model) or combine several Mathematica input files into one that would
create a coupled finite element (e.g. the AceGen input files for solid and
thermal conduction elements can be combined into new AceGen input file that
would create a finite element for thermomechanical