Minimization of Free Energy

In the section Description of Introductory Example the description of the steady-state heat conduction on a three-dimensional domain was given. The solution of the same physical problem can be obtained also as a minimum of the free energy of the problem. Free energy of the heat conduction problem can be formulated as
where a φ indicates temperature, a k is the conductivity and a Q is the heat generation per unit volume and Ω is the domain of the problem.

The domain of the example is a cube filled with water ([-.0.5m,0.5m]×[-0.5m,0.5m]×[0,1m]). On all sides, apart from the upper surface, the constant temperature φ=0 is maintained. The upper surface is isolated so that there is no heat flow over the boundary. There exists a constant heat source Q=500 "FreeEnergy1_2.gif" inside the cube. The thermal conductivity of water is 0.58 W/m K. The task is to calculate the temperature distribution inside the cube.


The problem is formulated using various approaches:
A.  Trial polynomial interpolation
    M.G    Gradient method of optimization + Mathematica directly
    M.N    Newton method of optimization + Mathematica directly
    A.G    Gradient method of optimization + AceGen+MathLink
    A.N    Newton method of optimization + AceGen+MathLink
B.    Finite difference interpolation
    M.G    Gradient method of optimization + Mathematica directly
    M.N    Newton method of optimization + Mathematica directly
    A.G    Gradient method of optimization + AceGen+MathLink
    A.N    Newton method of optimization + AceGen+MathLink
C.AceFEM    Finite element method

The following quantities are compared:
•    temperature at the central point of the cube (φ(0.,0.,0.5))
•    time for derivation of the equations
•    time for solution of the optimization problem
•    number of unknown parameters used to discretize the problem
•    peak memory allocated during the analysis
•    number of evaluations of function, gradient and hessian.

Method mesh φ derivation
time (s)
No. of variables memory (MB) No. of calls
A.MMA.Gradient 5×5×5   55.9 8.6 56.0 80 136 964
A.MMA.Newton 5×5×5   55.9 8.6 2588.3 80 1050 4
A.AceGen.Gradient 5×5×5   55.9 6.8 3.3 80 4 962
A.AceGen.Newton 5×5×5   55.9 13.0 0.8 80 4 4
B.MMA.Gradient 11×11×11   57.5 0.3 387.5 810 10 1685
B.MMA.Newton 11×11×11 57.5 0.3 4.2 810 16 4
B.AceGen.Gradient 11×11×11 57.5 1.4 28.16 810 4 1598
B.AceGen.Newton 11×11×11 57.5 4.0 1.98 810 4 4
C.AceFEM 10×10×10 56.5 5.0 2.0 810 6 2
C.AceFEM 20×20×20 55.9 5.0 3.2 7220 32 2
C.AceFEM 30×30×30 55.9 5.0 16.8 25230 139 2

The case A with the trial polynomial interpolation represents the situation where the merit function is complicated and the number of parameters is small. The case B with the  finite difference interpolation represents the situation where the merit function is simple and the number of parameters is large.
REMMARK: The presented example is meant to illustrate the general symbolic approach to minimization of complicated merit functions and is not the state of the art solution of thermal conduction problem.

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